Those of you who follow my blog know that I set myself a challenge of a card a day. Well, as you can see from the date of my last post, 4 January 2010, I have not exactly been meeting that challenge. There have been a number of reasons, but those reasons are now no longer valid, in my mind, so it is time to get my mojo revved up again and get creating.
I have made several cards since my last post. A birthday card for my mum and I did a one-on-one class with a work colleague, which resulted in me doing up a proto Valentine's Day card, as this is what she wanted to make. I have also made some cards at my Stampin' Up Demo training, but unfortunately I do not have these to post.
Below is the birthday card for my mum, I just love the Never-ending Flip card and below that is the Valentine's Day card.
Flip One
Flip Two
Final Flip
Valentine's Day Card
This card was inspired by Stamper's Sampler Take Ten Dec/Jan/Feb 2010
Cheers FiLoMa